KBC Events Committee
Become a Volunteer
The Events Committee helps to ensure the success of events designed to create a welcoming and vibrant Downtown Kentville.
Committee Membership
The Events Committee has seven members - five from KBC membership or the greater community, one from the Town of Kentville and one from NSCC’s Kingstec Campus.
Scope of Responsibility
● Creates a roster of events it recommends being supported by KBC;
● Awards grants based on the criteria established by KBC;
● Recommends when KBC will collaborate on the hosting or partnering of an event;
● Recommends when KBC will initiate a new event;
● Creates and shares resources with organizers of events in downtown Kentville;
● Supports downtown businesses to participate in events;
● Awards contracts for event development and management when required;
● Advocates for changes to policy, procedures, and programs to support event infrastructure.
Time Commitment
The Events Committee meets monthly as required. Committee members are also expected to attend and support events when possible.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Events Committee, please complete the following form and we will be in touch soon! You will receive a response back from info@kentvillebusiness.ca.
Thank you in advance for your interest in being an active part of our town's success!